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Spokane ASL Nov 23 4 pm Session cancelled

by Hawke Robinson last modified Nov 21, 2019 08:51 AM
Just a quick FYI that this Saturday's 4:00 pm Spokane American Sign Language Study Group session is cancelled since Sarah, Katy (and Hawke) aren't available for that session that day due to all 3 having schedule conflicts. The rest of the schedule remains, and regular schedule resumes next week.

Just a quick FYI that this Saturday's 4:00 pm Spokane American Sign Language Study Group session is cancelled since Sarah, Katy (and Hawke) aren't available for that session that day due to all 3 having schedule conflicts. The rest of the schedule remains, and regular schedule resumes next week.

You are of course welcome to practice yourselves, it is just that the primary facilitators won't be available to help guide you through the Study Guide.

Happy Signing!

-Hawke Robinson

spokaneasl at gmail dot com

