Resuming ASL Groups Soon (But Online)
We are getting ready to resume our various American Sign Language groups soon. These will be online for now until the restrictions at the coffee shops and such are lifted.
We’re seeing if we can have everything ready to resume the first Saturday of October 2020. Watch for updates. We’ll be piggy-backing on the software from a 501(c)3 non-profit known as RPG Research. The founder of Spokane ASL (Hawke Robinson) is also the founder of this volunteer-run organization.
We’ll be using the free, opensource, private, video conferencing software you can run straight from your web browser or mobile device: Jitsi.
We’re tentatively planning the following schedule for the following goups:
ASL Beginners to low Intermediate Study Group Online (must already have fingerspelling proficiency and at least some of the basic signs): Saturdays 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm (PST8PDT).
Password: SpokaneASL (case sensitive)
ASL Intermediate+ Study Group (slow but somewhat basic conversational ASL on up, Deaf & HoH welcomed!): Saturdays 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm PST8PDT).
Password: SpokaneASL (case sensitive)
American Sign Language Role-Playing Game Group 1: 2nd & 4th Saturdays each month from Noon to 2:45 pm.
Contact hawke at spokaneasl dot com for password or to request to join this group, or sign up here: