Sign Language Interpreters at Benie Sanders Event in Spokane - March 3rd, 7:00 pm, 2016.
Hawke Robinson
last modified
Mar 03, 2016 01:58 PM
Erin asked this information to be relayed to the Spokane ASL Community... Just to be clear, the posting of this information is not an endorsement by, it is merely informative for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing and signing Community. Spokane ASL does not endorse Bernie Sanders or any other candidates.
Erin is trying to let as many people know as quickly as possible that there will be sign language interpreters at the Volunteer Campaign Meeting for Bernie Sanders.
The meeting is tomorrow night, March 3 at 7 PM.
Erin provided the following link and requested it be posted:
The meeting is tomorrow night, March 3 at 7 PM.
Erin provided the following link and requested it be posted: